Thursday, September 26, 2019

Theory and Philosophy of Nurse Practitioner Term Paper

Theory and Philosophy of Nurse Practitioner - Term Paper Example The various theories of nursing contribute to better clinical practice and enhance the experiences of nurse practitioners in providing optimal care to the patients and contribute to the nursing profession (Alligood, 2014). Medicine and effective healthcare is a science as well as an art that applies scientifically proven theories into practice with state of the art personal skills and exemplary behavioral traits. It is a science because nursing education empowers individuals with specialized knowledge and expertise for optimal healthcare outcome of patients. It exploits scientific knowledge to alleviate pain and promote patients’ welfare. At the same time, it is an art as personal skills, attitude and empathy of nurses become critical ingredients that help build constructive relationships with patients and promote trust that lead to improved patients’ outcome. They facilitate integration of a holistic approach by promoting physical, mental and social well-being of the patients and ethically delivered care to medically sick people. Thus, making special efforts to understand people and incorporating values in their interaction, nurses develop the art of interacting with patients, carer and other stakeholders. The two most important theories of nursing that I like to apply within clinical environment are: theory of value based practice; and evidence based practice. The theory of values based practice becomes hugely pertinent in the current environment of rapid globalization when the changing dynamics of society necessitate better understanding of cross-cultural values and ethically delivered care. Globalization has ushered in pluralistic society where people comprise of different race, color, culture and nationality. Cultural competencies of nurses considerably facilitate them to build relationship with patients which expedite

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