Sunday, October 6, 2019

- Assess the extent to which an Arab Winter followed, and was caused Assignment

- Assess the extent to which an Arab Winter followed, and was caused by, the Arab Spring - Assignment Example The Arab Spring was a misnomer that was motivated by wishful thinking. During the time of Arab Spring overthrowing of the authoritarian regimes gave democracy a chance to bloom. Not only that this movement had given many Islamist parties to advance their undemocratic agendas. While there was political instability in Middle East and West Africa many Islamist insurgents and terrorist groups got the opportunity to expand their influence (Scott, 2009). In such circumstances the Middle East became more hostile strategic environment where regional security, Western values including the US national interest was under severe threat. It was not possible for the United States to react with a difference to this situation. The popular rebellions that erupted in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and in other Arab countries during the so-called Arab Spring are works in progress that have caused various outcomes. Since America is not the policeman of the world it is not possible for America to govern the Middle East and instruct the people how they should live their lives. Washington, however, could do a better job to protect the US national interest and promote peace and prosperity in the Middle East(Bellin, 2012). The United States needs a comprehensive strategy to combat Islamist regimes that promote agendas counter to American interests and that suppress opportunities for political, religious, and economic freedom. The Arab Spring had steered an unprecedented political transformation, which devolved into a chaotic Islamist Winter in many Arab countries threatening the US national interest (Howard, et. al., 2011). Washington lost a key strategic partner when Egypt’s Mubarak regime was replaced by one dominated by the anti-Western Muslim Brotherhood. Allies in Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait and Yemen now have to deal with challenges posed by Islamist-dominated

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