Thursday, January 9, 2020

Child Abuse And The Rights Of A Child - 2061 Words

Surrounding any contemporary social issue are a set of relationships that negotiate the circumstances. Social work is embedded inside a range of these relationships including the economic system, service delivery organisations, the state and the poor. Specifically looking at practice with children suffering from abuse and neglect, this essay will identify how these relationships shape social work practice with the poor. For the purpose of this essay, child abuse will be defined as any acts of harm, ill-treatment, neglect or deprivation of a young person in Aotearoa, New Zealand. These acts are defined only as abuse if they risk the childs wellbeing and survival. Child abuse is an offence as it violates the governments responsibility to protect the rights of a child. UNICEF (2003) identifies New Zealand as holding the third highest number of child maltreatment related deaths amongst ‘rich’ nations. The rights of a child have been breached when they are failed to be protected, provided for and are unable to participate in New Zealand society. While statistics prove this issue is prominent and relevant, child abuse fails to be approached in a successful manner. The direction to approaching this issue is to identify every relationship that works to create this problem. Failing to recognise these relationships in child abuse has significant consequences in New Zealand’s future. Impacts of child abuse not only lead to deaths and physical detriments but also impacts survivorsShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse Is A Violation Of The Basic Rights Of Children And Teenagers2619 Words   |  11 PagesChild abuse comprises a violation of the basic rights of children and teenagers, and has been a major social problem in the world’s societies since time immemorial. 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